Wednesday 1 December 2010

Initial Idea

I've taken my initial idea for my cinematography piece from Anton Corbijn's 2007 film, 'Control'. The cinematographer on Control is Martin Ruhe. Initial reasons for me deciding on this were because of my love for the film, both due to my intrest in the subject matter, and it's stylish look. In a lot of the interior shots, there seems to be one main point of light which is left for the viewer to focus on. The film is in black and white, which in my opinion, allows you to see lighting effects to a better degree, as shading comes nito it more. The faces of the cast are washed out, and i believe most of the outdoor scenes have a slight over exposure to them. Whilst like i said before the interiors have one focused light, but are slightly under exposed and have a lot of shade.

Another focus point was locations, none of which are enhanced, all locations are real life within a small town, with simple streets and fields, there is nothing over the top nor enhanced.

The shots within 'Control' differ, sometimes, especially when surrounded by bigger buildings there is a lot of headspace between the character and the top of the frame, however a lot of the close ups and the mid shots cut of all head space. Characters are often placed at one side of the screen, rather than being centered.


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